Let's start first with a change! I want to write in English again, as I am a student of English and so on. I hope you enjoy my posts although I don't write in German anymore.
And thank you sooooo much to all of my new followers! Thanks to the lovely Diana for presenting my blog on her's! \(^O^)/
It's been a while since I posted the last thing here. A long long time! And I want to apologize to you. My life was a bit complicated in the last couple of weeks so I had to get my things back together in my real life rather than in my virtual life! I hope you understand guys.
The reason why I am posting again is a really really great one! Last Saturday I visited Berlin in order to be at one of the best concerts for ages! Girugamesh had their Euro-Tour "Monster" and are now (as Twitter proves) savely back in Japan.
Yes, since it's not even an hour for me to go to Munich, it has been a long ride to Berlin. But as I had no time on the Munich concert, me and my beeeest friend went to Berlin!
We went to Berlin on Friday and got back to the lovely Augsburg on Monday this week. But Berlin is also beautiful in some parts ;)
Although this journey was expensive enough until then, we decided to buy VIP-Tickets for this concert. I know I know, I have been one of them always saying: "VIP Tickets? What a rip off!". But I have to admit it was AWESOME! You got plenty of things for paying more. But later on I will tell you in detail.
We got up a bit early on Saturday and got ready for the concert. We came to the venue, Lido in Berlin, at about 1pm. A few fans had already been there and it was fun to talk to them. The sun was burning the crap out of us, it was sooooo hot!
We talked a bit to the others and time flew by until one hour before the entrance. This time...Man, it was such a long hour.
As we were VIP's, we came in an hour earlier than the guys with the regular ticket.
We were sitting an some kind of hall until the Band came in. Damn, they were so funny!
We were allowed to ask questions to the Band, with sometimes pretty funny answers!
For example, I asked them what they like about their position in the band the most. Satoshisans answer was hilarious! He said: As a singer, I didn't have to spend so much money on equipment!" *lol*
They were so nice and sweet and funny!
Also, we were allowed to hand them our presents and make a photo. Me and my friend we splitted the presents. I gave Ryosan and Satoshisan their presents, and she gave Niisan and Shuusan their's. Their faces were toooo cute! Ryosan got some snacks for his dog Chappie and Satoshisan got Pug dogs in some variations :3
Then we got in earlier to the actual concert hall and could buy merch without a big crowd of people right in front of us.
That was pretty chilly!
Also, we stood in the second row at this concert, I was standing right in front of Satoshisan and Ryosan! It was awesome.
If I'll get a setlist of this concert, I will present it to you right away!
I just remember they played:
Drain, live is life , Incomplete, Evolution, こわれて行く世界, I think they also played Voltage and Breakdown, but not sure.
You'll be the first cookies to know!!! :3
Unfortunately the concert was over waaaaaaay to soon...T.T Want to have some more concerts this awesome!
Here are some pictures of me and the stuff I bought or got! :D
Derp picture before we went to the venue \(^O^)/
Me with Girugamesh *3* f.l.t.r: Shuusan, Ryosan, me, Satoshisan, Niisan
Me with Girugamesh *3* f.l.t.r: Shuusan, Ryosan, me, Satoshisan, Niisan
Almost matching shoes with Ryosan :D
Things I bought: Tour Shirt, Hoodie, Bandana
Things I got from the VIP: VIP Ticket (not on the Photo), Live Best signed, Pic (on the CD)
Caught: Satoshisans Bottle *3*
The hoodie worn, backside (don't look at my crappy hair...TOO HOT!!!)
I have to admit that the Tour shirt and the Hoodie are really big in size...I bought L and it's a bit too big for me but really ok :)
Have you been to the Girugamesh Tour this year?
Where did you go? How has it been?
Write it in the comments below! :3
See you soon my lovely cookies!
Yours, terrorcookie~
3 Kommentare:
I went there too~ but I think the VIP tickets are rather expensive, since I met them before on autograph sessions or after concerts (in Hamburg for example we were able to take pictures with them ;_; that was awesome!)
But the concert was really great! *_* Glad you had fun! They also played Dirty Story and crazy flag for example!
Yeah, i know that VIP Tickets are rather expensive. And I would be happy if they'll just do their Signing Sessions again, because the trip to Berlin itself was expensive enough.
But well, sometimes you have to give yourself a little present. And with the fact that this and An Cafe in March were my only two concerts so far (and I think if the "Tour Situation" stays like this) they are my only in this year. So it is OK I think.
It was more than awesome right? I loved the energy Satoshisan brought into every Song, also the smiling of Ryosan and the some kind of dorkness from Shuusan and Ryosan!
Thank you for telling me that! I hope I'll find a complete Setlist soon ;_;
Ich beneide dich ja gerade ein bisschen für dein Foto mit den Jungs. XD Auch so süß von euch, dass ihr ihnen Geschenke mitgebracht habt.
Ich war nicht in Berlin, nur in Essen, aber es war so mega gut. :D :D
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